Requests for User Data Rise in Twitter’s Latest Transparency Report

Twitter said that it has seen an increase in requests from government agencies around the world for account information and content removal.
 Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

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Twitter on Thursday released its bi-annual transparency report, detailing the number of requests for information the company receives from government agencies around the world.
Releasing transparency reports, a practice pioneered by Google four years ago, is now commonplace for many large technology companies; Facebook, Yahoo and Microsoft regularly release their own similar versions.
Twitter received 2,058 requests for user account information from a total of 54 different countries over the last six months, the company said, a 46 percent increase in requests from its previous report. As has been the case for years, the United States requested Twitter user information the most frequently, accounting for more than 60 percent of the overall requests.
For comparison, Facebook received about 12,000 requests for user account information over the last six months of 2013, while Google received nearly 30,000 requests over the same period.
Over the last few years, however, Twitter, Google and others have pressed the federal government to allow for more granular disclosure of the numbers and types of information requests these companies receive. United States companies have traditionally been bound by laws that do not allow them to disclose which agencies have requested the information, nor can these companies detail the exact number of National Security Letters or Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court request they have received.
“If the government will not allow us to publish the actual number of requests, we want the freedom to provide that information in much smaller ranges that will be more meaningful to Twitter’s users, and more in line with the relatively small number of non-national security information requests we receive,” the company said in a blog post on Thursday.
Twitter’s negotiations with the Justice Department have not been fruitful so far. “We are weighing our legal options to provide more transparency to our users,” the company said.
Also, there was a small but significant surge in information requests from Turkey, which earlier this year attempted to block the servicethroughout the country. Twitter said it did not produce information in response to any of Turkey’s requests.


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